Root Canals
A deep cavity can give bacteria access to the inner nerve bundle within a tooth. A crack extending into the same region can create stress that will need additional care to relieve. In some cases, a significant infection may develop in your jaw without any symptoms at all. If Dr. Mathai determines that the nerve won't recover or infection is present, then root canal treatment may be suggested to clean out the inner aspect of the tooth to resolve pain/infection and to preserve it. Depending on the nature of the root canal system, we may also refer to a trusted specialist, or endodontist, for a 3-D xray and treatment under a microscope to insure quality care.
But Are They Safe?
Internet articles continue to circulate claiming adverse health effects from root canals, despite years of research proving otherwise. Many of these claims rest on theories put forward decades ago without any scientific basis. Root canals are still an effective and safe way to preserve teeth that would otherwise be lost and lead to infection, and new techniques and materials make root canal treatment more successful than ever.